WRO2023 Slovak Tournament


Medzinárodná súťaž World Robot Olympiad (WRO) na Slovensku sa prvýkrát organizoval v roku 2019 a po ročnej prestávke spôsobenej pandémiou, sa teší čoraz väčsej popularite. Utorok 6. júna 2023 sa v hlavnej budove K13 Kulturparku od rána do neskorých popoludňajších hodín konal už štvrtý ročník majstrovstiev Slovenska WRO. Nad tohtoročným podujatím prevzala záštitu prezidentka Slovenskej republiky pani Zuzana Čaputová. […]

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FLL Open International Turkey 2019


City of Izmir in Turkey is known as Pearl of the Aegean. Team Talentum SAP after the demanding FLL semi-finals attended the FLL Open International tournament together with 96 teams form 40 countries of the world right in Izmir on 22-26. May. Thanks to balanced performance in all categories team Talentum SAP achieved a very […]

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FLL Central Europe Final – Bregenz 2019

FLL CE Final Bregenz

The 27 best teams from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland competed at the Fist Lego League Central Europe Final in Bregenz located near the Bodensee on 29-30th March. In tough competition, team TalentumSAP won the second place in the Research project category, with their device for cleaning textile in space, called […]

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RoboCup 2018 – Montreal, Canada


This year the worlds championship of RoboCup 2018 was organized in Canada, Montreal on the 18-22th June 2018. Team Talentum represented Slovakia in the category of CoSpace Simulation. The students had to code a real and virtual robot, which is able to find and collect objects in a virtual environment full of obstacles. In this year’s […]

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FLL Estonian Open International 2018


Estonia – Tallinn – Victory – Veni, vidi, vici. We have never dreamed about becoming the Champions in the FLL World Championship. And now this dream has become a reality. In Tallinn, Estonia, where the FLL Open European Championship was held on the 6-8th June, TalentumSAP managed to win the Overall Champions’ Award. Project, Robot […]

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